Git Interview Questions and Answers

Git Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is Git, and why is it important?

Git is a distributed version control system that helps developers track changes, collaborate efficiently, and manage code versions.

2. What’s the difference between Git and GitHub?

Git is a version control system, while GitHub is a hosting service that provides cloud-based repositories and collaboration tools.

3. How do I revert to a previous commit in Git?

You can use:

  • git reset --hard <commit-hash> (Dangerous: overwrites history)
  • git revert <commit-hash> (Safer: creates a new commit that undoes changes)

4. How do I resolve Git merge conflicts?


  • git status to identify conflicts
  • Manually edit conflicting files
  • git add <file> and git commit to save the resolved merge

5. How can I undo the last commit?

  • git reset --soft HEAD~1 (Keep changes in staging)
  • git reset --mixed HEAD~1 (Keep changes in working directory)
  • git reset --hard HEAD~1 (Discard changes completely)

6. How do I check my Git commit history?

Run git log or git log --oneline --graph --all for a structured view.

7. How do I create and switch branches in Git?


  • git branch feature-branch (Create a new branch)
  • git checkout feature-branch or git switch feature-branch (Switch to it)

8. What is Git stash used for?

git stash temporarily saves uncommitted changes without committing them, so you can switch branches safely.

9. How do I push an existing project to GitHub?


git remote add origin <repository-url> git branch -M main git push -u origin main

10. What is the difference between git pull and git fetch?

  • git fetch downloads changes from the remote repository without applying them.
  • git pull downloads and merges the changes automatically.

11. What are the key differences between Git and SVN?


  • Git is distributed, while SVN is centralized.
  • Git allows local commits, SVN requires a central repository.
  • Git has better branching and merging support than SVN.

12. What is the difference between git merge and git rebase?


  • git merge creates a new merge commit and preserves history.
  • git rebase reapplies commits on top of another branch, making the history cleaner.

13. What is the HEAD in Git?

HEAD is a pointer that represents the current commit in a branch.

14. What is the difference between git pull and git fetch?


  • git fetch downloads changes without merging.
  • git pull fetches and merges in one step.

15. How do you resolve merge conflicts in Git?


  1. Use git status to check conflicts.
  2. Open conflicting files and manually fix them.
  3. Add resolved files using git add <file>.
  4. Commit changes with git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict".

16. How can you undo a commit in Git?


  • git reset --soft HEAD~1 (Undo commit, keep changes staged)
  • git reset --hard HEAD~1 (Undo commit and remove changes)
  • git revert <commit-hash> (Create a new commit that undoes changes)

17. What is Git stash, and how do you use it?

git stash temporarily saves uncommitted changes. Use:

git stash # Save changes git stash list # View saved stashes git stash pop # Restore and remove stash

18. How do you delete a branch in Git?


  • Locally: git branch -d <branch-name>
  • Remotely: git push origin --delete <branch-name>

19. How can you list all remote branches in Git?

Use: git branch -r

20. What is git bisect, and how does it help debug issues?

git bisect helps find a faulty commit using binary search:

git bisect start git bisect bad git bisect good <commit-hash>


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